Contracturen Betekenis

Contracturen Betekenis: The Meaning of Contractures

Contracturen betekenis is a term that refers to the medical condition of contractures or joint stiffness. Contractures can occur due to a variety of reasons such as neurological disorders, injury, or prolonged immobilization. It can result in significant discomfort, pain, and limited range of motion. Understanding the contracturen betekenis is crucial to effectively deal with the condition.

What are Contractures?

Contractures are a medical condition that affects the muscle-tendon unit. It refers to the inability of the muscle-tendon complex to stretch properly, resulting in stiffness and limited joint movement. Contractures can happen in any joint of the body, including the neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle, and foot.

Causes of Contractures

There are several causes of contractures. Individuals who suffer from neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, or stroke, often experience contractures due to abnormal muscle tone caused by the condition. Individuals with spinal cord injuries that result in paralysis can also experience contractures due to lack of movement.

Additionally, prolonged immobilization such as after a fracture or surgery can also lead to contractures. Other factors that can lead to contractures include age-related issues, joint inflammation, and improper positioning of the joint during immobilization.

Symptoms of Contractures

The primary symptom of contractures is a stiffness in the affected joint that limits movement. The individual will have difficulty moving the joint, and it may be painful to do so. Over time, the joint may become permanently fixed in a particular position, leading to deformity and disability.

Treatment for Contractures

The treatment for contractures depends on the cause of the condition. For individuals with neurological conditions, treatment may involve managing the underlying condition with medication or physical therapy. For individuals with prolonged immobilization, stretching and strengthening exercises may be prescribed to improve joint range of motion.

In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary to release the joint and restore mobility. It is also important to work with a physical therapist or occupational therapist to develop a stretching and exercise program to maintain joint mobility.


Contracturen betekenis refers to the medical condition of contractures or joint stiffness. It can occur due to a variety of reasons such as neurological disorders, injury, or prolonged immobilization. Knowing the causes and symptoms of contractures and how to treat them is crucial to effectively deal with the condition and maintain joint mobility.